24 Hours

24 Hours

Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 1994
IMDb Score: 8.5

Captain America

Captain America

Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 1979
IMDb Score: 3.5

The Pentagon Papers

The Pentagon Papers

Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 2003
IMDb Score: 6.5

Blind Justice

Blind Justice

Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 1986
IMDb Score: 5.8

The Cartier Affair

The Cartier Affair

Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 1984
IMDb Score: 4.9



Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 5.6



Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 4.2

No Man's Land

No Man's Land

Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 1984
IMDb Score: 6.4

Thanks of a Grateful Nation

Thanks of a Grateful Nation

Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 1998
IMDb Score: 6.0

Code Breakers

Code Breakers

Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 2005
IMDb Score: 6.1

The Red-Light Sting

The Red-Light Sting

Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 1984
IMDb Score: 5.0

The Long Journey Home

The Long Journey Home

Directed by Rod Holcomb
Runtime minutes
Released 1987
IMDb Score: 5.9